Further information
- Meaning available at any time. Although with some limitations. Escorts may want around 45 minutes to 1hr notice to prepare. For outcall this is important for transport arrangements especially in the London area. Occasionally escorts may be unavailable. They maybe busy or off duty for personal, feminine or other reasons. Because of this, we recommend choosing at least 2 from the gallery just in case your first choice is unavailable.
30 Minutes - We do not accept requests for 30 minute appointments.
All Services - Regular standard services but also includes a levels, orals, water sports, massage, school girl, toys, kissing, gfe, etc.
Appointments - Are a fixed diary time with a desired escort. Why do you need an appointment.. Because escorts are people and not products they have lives, family, partners and domestics to organize prior to a visit. Your appointment respects her space. An escort may refuse your appointment if you dont respect the appointment system.
Busty Escorts - most Orientals are small busted by nature. Where we mention Busty escorts we are indicating a lady with a fuller than average bust for an oriental. In the odd occasion this may include unusually larger than average for an oriental.
Duo Escorts - Or otherwise commonly known as 3 in a bed, a girls sandwich or menage a trios.
Escort - A Person who accompanies a person to a location or locations, to provide protection, support, company or companionship.
Escorts - A group of Persons who specialize in accompanying another person to a location or while visiting
locations, to provide protection, support, company or companionship.
Feedback - Written feedback of girls who appear on our gallery which has been submitted using the
feedback form on this site. Feedback is different to reviews. to locate feedback, click on the girl you are
interested in and view the details section of her personal page. The most recent feedback posts are also
shown on our home page.
Female escorts - An escort group consisting only of females who offer services to accompany another
person providing protection, support, company or companionship.
Full Personal Service - standard service with orals not including a levels.
Gallery - A collection pictures on our site on one page. Click any picture to visit a personal page. Galleries are also categorized for ease of use.
Hotline - Our dedicated hotline is for placing your appointment. Text is acceptable while arranging your
appointment but must start off a call to begin with reassure us you are above the legal age and not a
time waster.
Latest - The latest newest arrival on the gallery. The latest, most recent escorts are featured on our home page. The most recent escort also occupies the featured spot on the home page.
London Escorts - Persons or group of people from London who accompanies another person to or at a
location, to provide protection, support, company or companionship.
Membership - A member has completed the membership form and is a member of this site. Benefits include discounts, features and notification when a new girl is posted on to the gallery.
New Escorts - Featured on our home page, these escorts are the most recently arrived. Also usually flagged on the gallery a NEW.
Notice - To have enough time to prepare, an escort requires 1 hours notice as standard. Especially for
outcall. Exceptions to this are for incall, which it maybe possible to visit with 30 minutes notice. But note
and understand the escort may not have enough time to look as good as her pictures in every case. This
is fair warning for 30 minute quick notice appointments.
Personal Page - The page created particular to the selected escort containing personal details given to us at interview. Contains name and personal information, services, availability, rates, votes and personal pictures.
Rates - (Also known as gifts or donations) what to expect as a donation when making an
appointment. the donation/rate is relative to hours required.
Reviews - Written reviews of girls who appear anywhere on the internet. Usually these are on an
independent site where punters are sharing their experiences with other punters online. On our site,
experiences are known as feedback and we only accept feedback of girls who appear on our gallery.
Site news - News, updates, features and in depth information. Read more on our news pages.
Vote - Place a vote on this sites Hot or Not voting system. This is a live vote and the results page shows who is the current favorite among site visitors. Anyone can vote, No membership required. Just visit your favorite escorts personal page and click the Vote 4 Me picture to place your vote. You can vote on every escort on the gallery if you wish but only 1 vote per escort.