1st review
Feedback Details
Recieved through e-mail
First of all, let me express my appreciation for the way my recent bookings
with Mellissa was handled by you (both the one that was cancelled and the
later one that resulted in a meeting).
Secondly, I will visit London again next weekend and would very much like to
see Mellissa again on Saturday (- - sensored - -), preferably in the afternoon. Will
give you a call as soon as Ive checked in at the (- - sensored - -) (same as last time) so we can settle the details.
As you may have discovered, I really appreciate Mellissa, particularly her
eagerness both to please and to be pleased. If you have any other girl(s) in
the same category, I would consider meeting her (or them) as well, possibly
next Sunday..
Best regards
Pe ( - - sensored - - ) en