Feedback reviews on Asian Escorts

The review is for Candy and was verified as genuine by Asianselection, the Asian Escorts London agency.

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Earl's Court, London
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Clients says:
Candy used to be based on a different location, but has now moved to Bayswater and is situated close to local tube station. Candy's flat long and narrow with the bedroom at the far end and an ensuite shower at the end of the bed the room is nice and tidy as one has come to expect with lots of mirrors for easy viewing. Candy is definitely the girl in the photo I have seen over a number of years stretching back far longer than I care to remember and if she is always as good as usual it's like visiting an old girlfriend rather than an escort with lots of the FK and cuddles all services were offered with gusto and I really appreciated the amount of time we spent together

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Date: Sunday January 19, 2025

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